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The last Saturday in July, rain or shine!
10am -3pm

To donate to the Back to School Bash you can mail a check or money order to 
Back to School Bash Ministries
3405 Gap Creek Rd
Hampton TN 37658


When was the Back to School Bash Established?


Seventeen years ago Pastor Brandon Young had a dream.

Brandon Young has seen his dream come true and grow over the past seventeen years, helping children obtain the school supplies they need for a new school year.

“I had a dream one night about helping children by giving them backpacks, notebooks, binders and other things they need for school,” The dream seemed so real and important that he immediately discussed it with the leaders of his church, he said. Over 1,500 backpacks filled with school supplies will be given out free to boys and girls on the last Saturday of July. The Back to School Bash has also grown into a fun day for the children, with many Disney characters attending and free inflatable rides, shows, a Water Wars game, free food and cotton candy, free clothes and lots of other attractions. Young said for many children, who come from families who can’t afford to take their children to places like Dollywood, the Back to School Bash is one of the highlights of their year. “I remember one year that a single father brought his children here for the free backpacks,” Young said. “After they got the supplies, the children wanted to stay but the father told them they had to go. I overheard them and asked him why they had to leave so soon. He told me he didn’t have any money. I told him everything here is free. Then he told his children they could stay and they had a lot of fun. It was the first time they had ever had cotton candy.” Young said the bash does not try to teach the children any church doctrine, just a simple message that Jesus loves them.

What and When is the Back to School Bash?
We are a group of people, local businesses and area churches who come together and provide area children with a day of fun, food and a back pack with school supplies. The bash is always held the LAST SATURDAY IN JULY (Rain or Shine)

Where is the Back to School Bash located?
The Bash will be held at Hampton High School on the foot ball field. The address is
766 1st Ave, Hampton TN 37658

Does my child(ren) need to be present to get a backpack?
Yes. In order for your child to get a backpack they need to be present. However, if for reasons beyond your control we will take your name, phone number, grade of the child, and whether they are are a boy or girl then after the Bash, provided we have left over back packs we will contact you to come by the church to get a backpack.

Do I need to provide proof of income/resources?

No we do not require you to provide proof of income or resources. 


What if I have to work, can my child come attend with another relative or friend?
Yes, your child can come with friends or family. But all children must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18 years old.